Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hurts, Habits and Hangups

Hurts, Habits and Hangups
A 12 Step Program for Healing the Natural Man
(Adapted from the LDS ARP Program)

Step 1-
Admit that you, of yourself, are powerless to overcome your hurts, habits and hangups and that they are making your life unmanageable.
Step 2-
Come to believe that the power of God, through the Atonement, can heal “all our ills.”
Step 3-
Decide to return your will and your life to God the Eternal Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Step 4-
Make a searching and honest inventory of yourself.
Step 5-
Admit to yourself, to Heavenly Father, to proper priesthood authorities when necessary, and to others, those personal characteristics that need to change.
Step 6-
Become entirely ready to have God remove your shortcomings.
Step 7-
Humbly ask Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, to heal those shortcomings.
Step 8-
Make a list of all people you might have negatively impacted and seek to make restitution to them whenever possible.
Step 9-
Make a list of all people who might have harmed you and through the Atonement of Christ, frankly forgive them.
Step 10-
Take daily personal inventory and when you are wrong, promptly ask Heavenly Father for help.
Step 11-
Seek through humble prayer to know the Lord’s will and to be empowered to carry it out.
Step 12
Having had a spiritual awakening as result of Jesus Christ, share the message of Hope with others and practice these principles in all you do.


joyce said...

i read your new list of the 12 steps and I know that Heavenly Father helped people rewrite these in a certain way so that they are willing to work on them.
In step 2 if an addiction or we were here for an "ill" then it would be easy and we get a medience or remedy that would take care of this in a week. But the orginal step says Come to believe that the power of God can restore you to complete spiritual health. It means complete spiritual health not an illness.
In step 5 its says exact nature of your wrongs. Characteristic means a trait, quality, or property. But as a recovering addict I have done alot wrongs and its was healing to go infront of the bishop and tell him my wrongs.
I can testify to you that when this program was wrote that Heavenly Father was there and it was wrote the exact way to help people heal.
In step 7 you have to recognize the shortcomings before you can heal them. So by getting on your knees and telling Heavenly Father to remove them then your healing process will begin. The tender mercies play a big part of this. Then is step 8 is where the healing process starts after your recognize the shortcomings. Each step is designed for a reason you have to work them truly work them.

Kevin Hinckley M.Ed LPC said...

You bring up some great suggestions. I agree with all of them. Hmmm, let me look at how we can tweek them in order to take them to the church at large. Any ideas?

joyce said...

Kevin in step 9 I found the more I learned of the Savior and what he did for me. The easier it became to forgive others. In step 9 it talks about forgiving ourselves, I have found this the hardest. So I feel that this step needs to focus not only on others but on ourselves.